

Cerakote is a ceramic baked-on coating that is available in over 200 unique colours. This product can be applied on to metals, polymers and wood.

Cerakote offers outstanding chemical and corrosion resistance compared to coatings such as nitriding, DLC and blueing. Cerakote can withstand temperatures up to 1800°F without discolouring or failing. This coating is applied at a thickness of 0.001-0.003” which make it great for high tolerance areas.


It’s all about the prep

Parts are thoroughly cleaned and degreased to ensure that there is no external contamination on the surface of the items. Prepared  items will then be masked and sandblasted to achieve a sufficient etch profile to which the Cerakote will adhere. Following sandblasting the parts will then be baked  in an oven to remove any remaining moisture and oils. Once the items are ready to be sprayed they go for a final inspection. Following spraying with Cerakote,  coated parts are returned to the oven for a final and full bake to cure the coating